C R for basic data analysis

C.1 Basics

C.1.1 Quick Tips

  • In the Console window: You type commands after the prompt > and hit Enter to execute the command. The results of the command will be displayed below the command and preceded by a line counter enclosed in brackets (e.g. [1]).
  • You can scroll back to, edit, and execute previous commands using the up arrow on your keyboard.
  • If you prematurely hit enter before a command is completed to R’s satisfaction you will see a + prompt which asks you to finish the command. Simply complete the command after the + and hit Enter. If you get stuck in a cycle of + prompts you can get back to a fresh command prompt > by hitting the Esc key. For example, try:
    > 1+3   <ENTER>
    [1] 4
    > 1+
    + 3    <ENTER>
    [1] 4
    > 1+
    +    <ESC>
    User interrupt requested
  • For information about a command type ?commandname.

C.1.2 Objects

Everything in R is an object. You can assign a name to an object by using the assignment operator <-. You can see the current list of objects in your R workspace by typing ls() or by looking in the Environment tab in Rstudio. You can remove objects from your workspace with the command rm(name) where name is the name of the object you want to delete.

C.1.3 Vectors

Vectors are a simple type of object and even single numbers (called scalars) are vectors with a length of 1. Here are a few ways to create vectors.

The : operator creates a sequence of numbers that increase or decrease by 1.

## [1]  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
## [1]  0 -1 -2 -3

The seq function also creates sequences of a given length or increment.

## [1] 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
##  [1] 1.000000 1.222222 1.444444 1.666667 1.888889 2.111111 2.333333 2.555556
##  [9] 2.777778 3.000000

Use the combine function c() to create any particular arrangement:

## [1]  5  2  4 -1
x <- c(5,2,4,-1) 
## [1]  5  2  4 -1
y <- c(x,0:3,x) 
##  [1]  5  2  4 -1  0  1  2  3  5  2  4 -1

The rep command allows repetition:

## [1] 0 0 0 0 0
## [1] 0 0 0 1 1

You can also create vectors of characters (letters or words):

## [1] "a" "b" "c"
## [1] "abc" "de"

Logical (true/false) vectors do not use double quotes:


C.1.4 Arithmetic

Here’s some basic commands:

x <- 1:4 
## [1] 2 4 6 8
## [1]  1  4  9 16
## [1] -0.3333333  0.0000000  0.3333333  0.6666667

Arithmetic involving vectors is done elementwise.

y <- c(-1,1,-1,1) 
## [1] -1  2 -3  4
## [1] 2 1 4 3

Special functions are available that work elementwise or on the entire vector. Here are a few:

## [1] 1.000000 1.414214 1.732051 2.000000
## [1] 0.0000000 0.6931472 1.0986123 1.3862944
## [1]  2.718282  7.389056 20.085537 54.598150
## [1] 10
## [1] 2.5
## [1] 1.290994
## [1] 5.477226

More summary stats can be found with the commands min, max, median, quantile, summary, and var.

You usually use the special functions above with numeric vectors (int or num), but you can use these functions with logical vectors too. The logical vector is coerced into a integer vector with 1 for TRUE and 0 for FALSE.

y <- c(T,T,F)
sum(y)  # number of TRUE's in y
## [1] 2
mean(y)  # proportion of TRUE's in y
## [1] 0.6666667

C.1.5 Subsetting

You can access one or more elements in a vector by specifying a certain index of elements within the vector: vector[index].

## [1] 6

The first element of w:

## [1] 30

The first and third elements:

## [1] 30 20

All elements except the first and third:

## [1] 50 60 40 20

The elements that are at most 40:

w[w <= 40]  
## [1] 30 20 40 20

The position of these elements that are at most 40:

which(w <= 40)  
## [1] 1 3 5 6

The mean of w and the mean of only the elements in w that are less than or equal to 4:

## [1] 36.66667
mean(w[w <= 40])  
## [1] 27.5

Expressions involving inequalities create a logical vector which is TRUE when the expression is true:

w <= 40 
w == 40  

So when a vector is indexed by a TRUE/FALSE vector only the TRUE entries will be displayed (and used in any command involving this vector). Here is the logical vector for entries in w that are not equal to 40:

w != 40  

Here are the values of the entries of w excluding those equal to 40:

w[w != 40]  
## [1] 30 50 20 60 20

Here is the sum of the values of the entries of w excluding those equal to 40:

sum(w[w != 40])  
## [1] 180

Adding a logical (T/F) vector tells you how many elements in the vector are equal to TRUE. Here is the number of entries in w that are not equal to 40:

sum(w != 40)  
## [1] 5

Finally, the vector operators | and & mean OR and AND, respectively. We can find the entries in w that are less than 30 OR greater than 50 with

(w < 30) | (w > 50)  

We can find the entries that are at most 50 AND at least 30 with

(w >= 30) & (w <= 50)  

C.2 Data

C.2.1 Reading Data into R

The most common way to read data into R is by storing it in a comma separated values (.csv) format. Non-textbook data files for this class will either be on my webpage http://people.carleton.edu/~kstclair/data.

You can read a .csv file into R using its URL or file path (which is system dependent):

mydata <- read.csv("<data file path>/mydata.csv") 

Alternatively, you can download (then upload if using maize) a needed data set to your data folder located in your Statxxx folder. Once this is done, and your Statxxx project is started, you can easily read the data set into R using the command

mydata <- read.csv("data/mydata.csv")

You don’t need an extended file path name because your project should set your working directory to your Statxxx folder and the data folder containing you .csv is a subfolder in this working directory.

Many textbooks have R packages that contain data sets used in the book. Here I’ll use the SDaA packge used in my Stat 260 (Sampling) course. Once you load this library you have automatic access to add textbook data files identified by the name given in the book.

# install.packages("SDaA")  # only run this once, ever
## [1] "data.frame"

The object agstrat is called a data frame. The rest of this handout will explain how R data frames can be explored, used and changed.

C.2.2 Investigating a Data Frame

You can see an entire data frame by typing its name. You can see the first or last 5 rows of a data frame with the following commands:

##              county state acres92 acres87 acres82 farms92 farms87 farms82
## 1     PIERCE COUNTY    NE  297326  332862  319619     725     857     865
## 2   JENNINGS COUNTY    IN  124694  131481  139111     658     671     751
## 3      WAYNE COUNTY    OH  246938  263457  268434    1582    1734    1866
## 4  VAN BUREN COUNTY    MI  206781  190251  197055    1164    1278    1464
## 5    OZAUKEE COUNTY    WI   78772   85201   89331     448     483     527
## 6 CLEARWATER COUNTY    MN  210897  229537  213105     583     699     693
##   largef92 largef87 largef82 smallf92 smallf87 smallf82 region   rn   weight
## 1       54       54       42       58       67       48     NC  805 10.23301
## 2       14       13       14       42       36       38     NC  241 10.23301
## 3       20       19       16      175      186      184     NC  913 10.23301
## 4       23       17        9       56       66       55     NC  478 10.23301
## 5        6        5        5       56       49       48     NC 1028 10.23301
## 6       34       32       23        8       19       13     NC  496 10.23301
##               county state acres92 acres87 acres82 farms92 farms87 farms82
## 295  FRANKLIN COUNTY    WA  670149  660813  632519     857     894     856
## 296       LEA COUNTY    NM 2149450 2220431 2178568     544     561     534
## 297  THURSTON COUNTY    WA   59890   56799   67628     811     806     856
## 298 CARSON CITY (IC)    NV    5361   17859   18780      28      37      34
## 299   BANNOCK COUNTY    ID  325338  358189  352306     588     655     617
## 300  LA PLATA COUNTY    CO  587339  613579  589167     709     682     625
##     largef92 largef87 largef82 smallf92 smallf87 smallf82 region  rn   weight
## 295      127      140      120      107      109      101      W 371 10.29268
## 296      208      205      191       59       67       63      W 259 10.29268
## 297        5        4        4      171      143      151      W 394 10.29268
## 298        3        2        2       15       15       17      W 295 10.29268
## 299       79       81       83       98      112      106      W 148 10.29268
## 300       67       79       66       25       39       33      W 112 10.29268

You can get the dimensions (# rows by # columns) and variable names is a data frame with

## [1] 300  17

You can see the variable names with

##  [1] "county"   "state"    "acres92"  "acres87"  "acres82"  "farms92" 
##  [7] "farms87"  "farms82"  "largef92" "largef87" "largef82" "smallf92"
## [13] "smallf87" "smallf82" "region"   "rn"       "weight"

or variable names and types with the structure command

## 'data.frame':    300 obs. of  17 variables:
##  $ county  : Factor w/ 261 levels "ALEXANDER COUNTY",..: 180 115 254 241 175 37 186 94 243 212 ...
##  $ state   : Factor w/ 46 levels "AL","AR","AZ",..: 27 13 32 20 44 21 37 10 22 14 ...
##  $ acres92 : int  297326 124694 246938 206781 78772 210897 507101 332358 402202 535359 ...
##  $ acres87 : int  332862 131481 263457 190251 85201 229537 552844 337990 396638 503582 ...
##  $ acres82 : int  319619 139111 268434 197055 89331 213105 541015 355823 400466 513458 ...
##  $ farms92 : int  725 658 1582 1164 448 583 321 986 1249 488 ...
##  $ farms87 : int  857 671 1734 1278 483 699 371 1065 1251 518 ...
##  $ farms82 : int  865 751 1866 1464 527 693 341 1208 1320 571 ...
##  $ largef92: int  54 14 20 23 6 34 163 56 86 216 ...
##  $ largef87: int  54 13 19 17 5 32 180 36 78 204 ...
##  $ largef82: int  42 14 16 9 5 23 176 42 69 193 ...
##  $ smallf92: int  58 42 175 56 56 8 10 90 42 16 ...
##  $ smallf87: int  67 36 186 66 49 19 24 115 38 37 ...
##  $ smallf82: int  48 38 184 55 48 13 16 132 28 24 ...
##  $ region  : Factor w/ 4 levels "NC","NE","S",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ rn      : int  805 241 913 478 1028 496 969 42 676 383 ...
##  $ weight  : num  10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 ...

You can view the data frame in Rstudio’s viewer window with


C.2.3 Accessing Data

You can also access and edit information in a data frame by subscripting the data frame. Suppose you want to look at the variable farms92 (the number of farms per county in 1992). This variable is the 6th column in the data frame. You can access its contents with either command:

##   [1]  725  658 1582 1164  448  583  321  986 1249  488 1308  657  974  780  293
##  [16]  201  362  309  500  530  491  305 1383  740  325  783  440  832  682  198
##  [31]  283 1000  547  953  771  979  427  963  545  942  949  544  822  955 1421
##  [46]  532  272 1669  308  401  171  480 1433  900  378   58  760 1216 1086  833
##  [61]  682 1280 1262 1029 1190  618  554  497  744  698  786 1305 1058  855  741
##  [76]  828 1140  509  759 1080  658  663 1447 1398  511 1529  623  742  386  468
##  [91]  738  759  746  680  792  327  777  205 1190  629  426  395  721 1367  659
## [106]  249  550  440  438   74  668  147  488 1367  395  940  602  716    0  433
## [121]  451  142  537  427  689  179   14  547  872 1444  549  345  235  406   40
## [136]  705  169  394  219  774   74  561  290  414  781 1037  992  342  179 2760
## [151]   56  315   49 1226  389  226  334  303 1152  403 2086  946 1342  612  407
## [166]  986  199   17  704 1120  127  261  642  348 1360  297  404  114 1582  328
## [181]  404   34  330  132  151  966  146  374  694  455  838  915  812  732  540
## [196]  108  419 1609  417  560 1903 1956  270  433  617  910  298  288  456  199
## [211]  507  772  476  113  440  110 1004  199  339  818  689  491  659  215  301
## [226]  606  355  376  695  889 1234  532  195  711  515 1547   90  651  361  147
## [241]  747   33  128  137  940  477  445  278  447  162  280  640 1579   29 1031
## [256] 1006  320  849 1232  267 1441   23  850  612  733  451  179  641  233  661
## [271]  495  195  508 3157  442  358  107  149 1696 1027  415  490  418  134  257
## [286]  525  599  366   16  874  419 1054 1257  110  857  544  811   28  588  709
##   [1]  725  658 1582 1164  448  583  321  986 1249  488 1308  657  974  780  293
##  [16]  201  362  309  500  530  491  305 1383  740  325  783  440  832  682  198
##  [31]  283 1000  547  953  771  979  427  963  545  942  949  544  822  955 1421
##  [46]  532  272 1669  308  401  171  480 1433  900  378   58  760 1216 1086  833
##  [61]  682 1280 1262 1029 1190  618  554  497  744  698  786 1305 1058  855  741
##  [76]  828 1140  509  759 1080  658  663 1447 1398  511 1529  623  742  386  468
##  [91]  738  759  746  680  792  327  777  205 1190  629  426  395  721 1367  659
## [106]  249  550  440  438   74  668  147  488 1367  395  940  602  716    0  433
## [121]  451  142  537  427  689  179   14  547  872 1444  549  345  235  406   40
## [136]  705  169  394  219  774   74  561  290  414  781 1037  992  342  179 2760
## [151]   56  315   49 1226  389  226  334  303 1152  403 2086  946 1342  612  407
## [166]  986  199   17  704 1120  127  261  642  348 1360  297  404  114 1582  328
## [181]  404   34  330  132  151  966  146  374  694  455  838  915  812  732  540
## [196]  108  419 1609  417  560 1903 1956  270  433  617  910  298  288  456  199
## [211]  507  772  476  113  440  110 1004  199  339  818  689  491  659  215  301
## [226]  606  355  376  695  889 1234  532  195  711  515 1547   90  651  361  147
## [241]  747   33  128  137  940  477  445  278  447  162  280  640 1579   29 1031
## [256] 1006  320  849 1232  267 1441   23  850  612  733  451  179  641  233  661
## [271]  495  195  508 3157  442  358  107  149 1696 1027  415  490  418  134  257
## [286]  525  599  366   16  874  419 1054 1257  110  857  544  811   28  588  709
##   [1]  725  658 1582 1164  448  583  321  986 1249  488 1308  657  974  780  293
##  [16]  201  362  309  500  530  491  305 1383  740  325  783  440  832  682  198
##  [31]  283 1000  547  953  771  979  427  963  545  942  949  544  822  955 1421
##  [46]  532  272 1669  308  401  171  480 1433  900  378   58  760 1216 1086  833
##  [61]  682 1280 1262 1029 1190  618  554  497  744  698  786 1305 1058  855  741
##  [76]  828 1140  509  759 1080  658  663 1447 1398  511 1529  623  742  386  468
##  [91]  738  759  746  680  792  327  777  205 1190  629  426  395  721 1367  659
## [106]  249  550  440  438   74  668  147  488 1367  395  940  602  716    0  433
## [121]  451  142  537  427  689  179   14  547  872 1444  549  345  235  406   40
## [136]  705  169  394  219  774   74  561  290  414  781 1037  992  342  179 2760
## [151]   56  315   49 1226  389  226  334  303 1152  403 2086  946 1342  612  407
## [166]  986  199   17  704 1120  127  261  642  348 1360  297  404  114 1582  328
## [181]  404   34  330  132  151  966  146  374  694  455  838  915  812  732  540
## [196]  108  419 1609  417  560 1903 1956  270  433  617  910  298  288  456  199
## [211]  507  772  476  113  440  110 1004  199  339  818  689  491  659  215  301
## [226]  606  355  376  695  889 1234  532  195  711  515 1547   90  651  361  147
## [241]  747   33  128  137  940  477  445  278  447  162  280  640 1579   29 1031
## [256] 1006  320  849 1232  267 1441   23  850  612  733  451  179  641  233  661
## [271]  495  195  508 3157  442  358  107  149 1696 1027  415  490  418  134  257
## [286]  525  599  366   16  874  419 1054 1257  110  857  544  811   28  588  709

If you just want the first two entries in farms92:

## [1] 725 658
## [1] 725 658

The variable region is a categorical variable which is a factor data type in this data set. We can see the levels of of a factor variable with levels:

##  Factor w/ 4 levels "NC","NE","S",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## [1] "NC" "NE" "S"  "W"

So region has 4 levels called NC, NE, S, and W. Note that these levels are ordered alphabetically, which is typically done with factor variables from data sets that are read into R.

C.2.4 Subsetting a Data Frame

You can subset a data frame just as you can subset a vector (see the Basics handout). We might want to subset a data frame to extract certain columns (variables), or we may want to extract certain rows (observations), or some combination of both.

Suppose you want a data frame that only contains the variables region and farms92: One way to do this is with the select command from the dplyr package:

agstrat2 <- select(agstrat, region, farms92) 
## 'data.frame':    300 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ region : Factor w/ 4 levels "NC","NE","S",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ farms92: int  725 658 1582 1164 448 583 321 986 1249 488 ...

Suppose you want a data frame that only contains data from the north central (NC) and west (W) regions. Here we use the dplyr command filter to specify the criteria that tells us that region should be either "W" or "NC":

agstrat3 <- filter(agstrat, region %in% c("W", "NC"))
## 'data.frame':    144 obs. of  17 variables:
##  $ county  : Factor w/ 261 levels "ALEXANDER COUNTY",..: 180 115 254 241 175 37 186 94 243 212 ...
##  $ state   : Factor w/ 46 levels "AL","AR","AZ",..: 27 13 32 20 44 21 37 10 22 14 ...
##  $ acres92 : int  297326 124694 246938 206781 78772 210897 507101 332358 402202 535359 ...
##  $ acres87 : int  332862 131481 263457 190251 85201 229537 552844 337990 396638 503582 ...
##  $ acres82 : int  319619 139111 268434 197055 89331 213105 541015 355823 400466 513458 ...
##  $ farms92 : int  725 658 1582 1164 448 583 321 986 1249 488 ...
##  $ farms87 : int  857 671 1734 1278 483 699 371 1065 1251 518 ...
##  $ farms82 : int  865 751 1866 1464 527 693 341 1208 1320 571 ...
##  $ largef92: int  54 14 20 23 6 34 163 56 86 216 ...
##  $ largef87: int  54 13 19 17 5 32 180 36 78 204 ...
##  $ largef82: int  42 14 16 9 5 23 176 42 69 193 ...
##  $ smallf92: int  58 42 175 56 56 8 10 90 42 16 ...
##  $ smallf87: int  67 36 186 66 49 19 24 115 38 37 ...
##  $ smallf82: int  48 38 184 55 48 13 16 132 28 24 ...
##  $ region  : Factor w/ 4 levels "NC","NE","S",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ rn      : int  805 241 913 478 1028 496 969 42 676 383 ...
##  $ weight  : num  10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 ...

Note one problem with this new data frame: the region variable still thinks it has 4 levels even though S and NE are not in this data frame

## [1] "NC" "NE" "S"  "W"
##  NC  NE   S   W 
## 103   0   0  41

This could create a problem when we want to use the region variable in future analyzes. An easy solution exists using the droplevels command on the data frame

agstrat3 <- droplevels(agstrat3)  
##  NC   W 
## 103  41

Note that if region was a “character” data type (char) in R, the droplevels command isn’t needed because there are no “levels” associated with this type of variable.

C.2.5 Creating a data frame

One way to create a data frame is to create vectors that will form the variables (columns), then binding them together in a data frame:

x <- 1:10  
y <- rep(c("a","b"),c(5,5))  
my.data <- data.frame(x=x,y=y)  
## 'data.frame':    10 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ x: int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
##  $ y: chr  "a" "a" "a" "a" ...
##     x y
## 1   1 a
## 2   2 a
## 3   3 a
## 4   4 a
## 5   5 a
## 6   6 b
## 7   7 b
## 8   8 b
## 9   9 b
## 10 10 b

C.2.6 Adding a new column to a data frame

Suppose you want to add a variable called w to the data frame my.data.

w <- rnorm(10, mean=0, sd=1)  
my.data <- data.frame(my.data,w=w)  
##     x y          w
## 1   1 a  0.4225894
## 2   2 a -1.4431160
## 3   3 a  0.7034792
## 4   4 a -1.3228236
## 5   5 a -0.7072092
## 6   6 b  0.4225562
## 7   7 b -0.5278992
## 8   8 b  0.4161620
## 9   9 b -0.2602577
## 10 10 b -0.3578865

C.2.7 Missing Data

The missing data value in R is NA. Any blank field (or NA field) in the .csv file will be recognized as a missing value when the data is read into R with the read.csv command. But suppose we have missing data in a data set we’ve entered by hand

u <- c(NA,2,3,4,5,NA,7,8,9,10) 
v <- c(rep(NA,5), 1:5)
my.data <- data.frame(my.data,u=u, v=v)  
##     x y          w  u  v
## 1   1 a  0.4225894 NA NA
## 2   2 a -1.4431160  2 NA
## 3   3 a  0.7034792  3 NA
## 4   4 a -1.3228236  4 NA
## 5   5 a -0.7072092  5 NA
## 6   6 b  0.4225562 NA  1
## 7   7 b -0.5278992  7  2
## 8   8 b  0.4161620  8  3
## 9   9 b -0.2602577  9  4
## 10 10 b -0.3578865 10  5

We can see which entries in u are missing with the is.na command


or with the summary command:

##        x              y                   w                 u        
##  Min.   : 1.00   Length:10          Min.   :-1.4431   Min.   : 2.00  
##  1st Qu.: 3.25   Class :character   1st Qu.:-0.6624   1st Qu.: 3.75  
##  Median : 5.50   Mode  :character   Median :-0.3091   Median : 6.00  
##  Mean   : 5.50                      Mean   :-0.2654   Mean   : 6.00  
##  3rd Qu.: 7.75                      3rd Qu.: 0.4210   3rd Qu.: 8.25  
##  Max.   :10.00                      Max.   : 0.7035   Max.   :10.00  
##                                                       NA's   :2      
##        v    
##  Min.   :1  
##  1st Qu.:2  
##  Median :3  
##  Mean   :3  
##  3rd Qu.:4  
##  Max.   :5  
##  NA's   :5

We can use the drop_na command from the tidyr package to create an NA-free version of our data frame. Applying it to the entire data frame returns only rows that have observations for all variables:

my.data.noNA <- drop_na(my.data)
##    x y          w  u v
## 1  7 b -0.5278992  7 2
## 2  8 b  0.4161620  8 3
## 3  9 b -0.2602577  9 4
## 4 10 b -0.3578865 10 5

There are times when you only want to remove NA’s for a limited number of variables. Add these variable names as arguments to the drop_na command to only remove rows with NA’s for those variables. Here we only remove NAs from u (rows 1 and 6):

my.data.noNAu <- drop_na(my.data, u)
##    x y          w  u  v
## 1  2 a -1.4431160  2 NA
## 2  3 a  0.7034792  3 NA
## 3  4 a -1.3228236  4 NA
## 4  5 a -0.7072092  5 NA
## 5  7 b -0.5278992  7  2
## 6  8 b  0.4161620  8  3
## 7  9 b -0.2602577  9  4
## 8 10 b -0.3578865 10  5

Sometimes data sets (especially “read-world”" data) do not use blank fields to indicate missing data. For example, perhaps an unrealistic value is given as filler for a missing data point, like -99 for a positive integer variable or 9999 for a smaller scale variable. The source where you find your data should tell you if special fields (like -99 or 9999) are used to indicate missing data. Once you determine what the missing data indicator is, you can import the data set using the read.csv command with the added argument na.strings = c("-99"," "). This argument tells R that missing data is coded either as an NA, a blank entry or as a -99 entry.

mydata <- read.csv("<file path>", na.strings = c("NA", " ", "-99"))


We are using the agstrat data frame from the SDaA package (see Section C.2).

C.3.1 Categorical:

The table command is useful when summarizing a categorical variable like region

##  NC  NE   S   W 
## 103  21 135  41

There are 103 counties in the north central region, 21 in the northeast, 135 in the south, and 41 in the west. We get a contingency table by entering two categorical variables

##      NC NE  S  W
##   AL  0  0  5  0
##   AR  0  0  9  0
##   AZ  0  0  0  1
##   CA  0  0  0  1
##   CO  0  0  0  5
##   CT  0  1  0  0
##   FL  0  0  4  0
##   GA  0  0 15  0
##   HI  0  0  0  2
##   IA 10  0  0  0
##   ID  0  0  0  5
##   IL 16  0  0  0
##   IN  9  0  0  0
##   KS 11  0  0  0
##   KY  0  0 15  0
##   LA  0  0  3  0
##   MA  0  1  0  0
##   MD  0  0  2  0
##   ME  0  1  0  0
##   MI  6  0  0  0
##   MN  9  0  0  0
##   MO 10  0  0  0
##   MS  0  0  6  0
##   MT  0  0  0  7
##   NC  0  0 16  0
##   ND  2  0  0  0
##   NE 12  0  0  0
##   NJ  0  1  0  0
##   NM  0  0  0  2
##   NV  0  0  0  2
##   NY  0  8  0  0
##   OH  4  0  0  0
##   OK  0  0  7  0
##   OR  0  0  0  4
##   PA  0  8  0  0
##   SC  0  0  4  0
##   SD  7  0  0  0
##   TN  0  0  6  0
##   TX  0  0 31  0
##   UT  0  0  0  4
##   VA  0  0  5  0
##   VT  0  1  0  0
##   WA  0  0  0  7
##   WI  7  0  0  0
##   WV  0  0  7  0
##   WY  0  0  0  1

So, for example, the data contains 5 counties in Alabama that are classified as southern. (Note that this isn’t a very interesting summary of two categorical variables, just an easy one to demonstrate the table command using this data set.)

C.3.2 Quantitative:

Basic summary stats commands are

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##     0.0   326.5   544.5   637.4   840.8  3157.0
## [1] 637.3833
## [1] 544.5
## [1] 448.2621
## [1] 0
## [1] 3157

We can explore which county(s) have the highest number of farms (3157) in 1992 with

which(agstrat$farms92 == 3157) 
## [1] 274
##            county state acres92 acres87 acres82 farms92 farms87 farms82
## 274 HAWAII COUNTY    HI  926607 1007287 1172448    3157    2810    2539
##     largef92 largef87 largef82 smallf92 smallf87 smallf82 region  rn   weight
## 274       55       60       58     1960     1602     1468      W 142 10.29268

The 0.05 and 0.95 quantiles (i.e. 5th and 95th percentiles) of farms92 are

quantile(agstrat$farms92, c(.05, .95))  
##      5%     95% 
##   89.20 1441.15

meaning that 5% of counties have fewer than 89.2 farms and 95% of counties have fewer than 1441.15 farms.

C.3.3 Quantitative grouped by a categorical

Suppose we want to know the average number of farms per county for each region. The R function tapply(var, grp, fun) will apply the function fun to the variable var for each group in grp and produces a table of output (hence the t in tapply). Here is this command in action for the farms variable

tapply(agstrat$farms92, agstrat$region, summary)  
## $NC
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    58.0   489.5   738.0   750.7   968.5  1669.0 
## $NE
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##     0.0   395.0   451.0   528.1   659.0  1367.0 
## $S
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    14.0   265.5   440.0   578.6   777.5  2760.0 
## $W
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    16.0   257.0   495.0   602.3   733.0  3157.0

The average number of farms per county in the northeast region is 528.1.

The R package dplyr can also be used to get numerical summaries by groups using the group_by and summarize commands. Here we string together these two commands with the piping command %>% to get the mean and standard deviation of farms92 for each level of region:

agstrat %>% 
    group_by(region) %>%
    summarize(mean(farms92), sd(farms92))
## # A tibble: 4 x 3
##   region `mean(farms92)` `sd(farms92)`
##   <fct>            <dbl>         <dbl>
## 1 NC                751.          358.
## 2 NE                528.          359.
## 3 S                 579.          472.
## 4 W                 602.          558.

The output produced by this string of commands is actually a type of a data frame called a tibble.

C.3.4 Graphs

R has very sophisticated graphing capabilities. This handout just gives you a summary of some of the most basic graphs. More complicated graphic features will be explained as needed in class. R has high-level plotting commands that create a complete graph, low-level commands which add to an existing graph, and a graphing window layout par command. Use the help command to see these options, e.g. ?hist for the histogram options.

A bar graph of the categorical variable region is given by


The southern region contains the most counties in our sample (135) and the north east region the fewest counties (21). We can add a label to the y-axis and a title to the plot by adding the arguments

barplot(table(agstrat$region), ylab="count", main="Number of counties per region")  

A histogram and boxplot of farms92 are given by

hist(agstrat$farms92, main = "Number of farms per county in 1992") 
boxplot(agstrat$farms92, main = "Number of farms per county in 1992")  

We can get a side-by-side boxplot of farms92 by region with

boxplot(farms92 ~ region, data = agstrat, main = "Number of farms per county in 1992")  

Suppose we want to look at the distribution of counties across regions grouped by counties with fewer than 500 farms vs. 500 or more farms. First we need to create a factor variable that identifies counties as having less or more than 500 farms:

agstrat$farms500 <- ifelse(agstrat$farms92 < 500, "fewer than 500 farms", "500 or more farms")
##    500 or more farms fewer than 500 farms 
##                  164                  136

The we create the stacked bar graph for farms500 grouped by region using ggplot2:

ggplot(agstrat, aes(x=region, fill = farms500)) + 
  geom_bar(position = "fill") + 
  labs(y="proportion", fill = "Number of farms", 
       title = "Number of farms (categorized) by region")
prop.table(table(agstrat$region, agstrat$farms500), 1)
##      500 or more farms fewer than 500 farms
##   NC         0.7281553            0.2718447
##   NE         0.4285714            0.5714286
##   S          0.4444444            0.5555556
##   W          0.4878049            0.5121951

Of the 103 counties in the North Central region, about 72.8% have 500 or more farms. Of the 135 counties in the Southern region, about 44.4% have 500 or more farms.

We can also use ggplot2 to create histograms of farms92 by region:

ggplot(agstrat, aes(x=farms92)) + 
  geom_histogram() + 
  facet_wrap(~region) + 
  labs(title = "Number of farms by region")

We can also use the ggplot2 package to get side-by-side boxplots grouped by a third variable. Here we can compare the distribution of total farm acreage in 1992 (acres92) by region for counties that have fewer than 500 farms vs. 500 or more farms:

ggplot(agstrat, aes(x = farms500, y=acres92)) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
  facet_wrap(~region) + 
  labs(title = "Farm acres by number of farms and region") 

The relationship between median acreage across the four regions looks similar regardless of how many farms are present in a county (with western counties having the highest acreage). But for all four regions, it looks like the median acreage is highest for counties with fewer than 500 farms. Counties with fewer farms may tend to have larger farms than counties with more (smaller) farms across all four regions.

C.3.5 Reporting Results

Homework and reports should be done using an R Markdown document in RStudio (see Section D). If you do need to copy a graph from Rstudio into another document, use the Copy Plot to Clipboard option in the Export menu.

C.4 Factor variables

Section C.2.3 showed how to determine the levels of a factor variable. There are many more things you may want to do with a categorical variable that is a factor type. Here are a few hints for manipulating a factor.

C.4.1 Renaming factor levels

The R package forcats has a fct_recode command to rename the levels of your factor variable

mydata <- data.frame(myfac=c("a","b","c","c","d","e"))
## a b c d e 
## 1 1 2 1 1
mydata$new_myfac <- fct_recode(mydata$myfac, 
                              "Aman" = "a",
                              "Barb" = "b", 
                              "Chad" = "c",
                              "Daryl" = "d",
                              "Eliza" = "e")
table(mydata$new_myfac)  # check work
##  Aman  Barb  Chad Daryl Eliza 
##     1     1     2     1     1

C.4.2 Recode a categorical variable with many levels

Suppose you have a variable var with response levels strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. You want to create a new version of this variable by combining all agree and all disagree answers. Here is one way to do this:

mydata$new_var <- ifelse(mydata$var %in% c("strongly agree", "agree"), "agree", "disagree")

Any row in the dataset where var is in the set of responses listed (c("strongly agree", "agree")) will be coded at agree in the newvar. All other responses (disagree, and strongly disagree) will be recoded as disagree in the newvar.

If you have lots of levels that you want to collapse into fewer (or you just don’t want to use the ifelse command), then you should use the forcats package command fct_collapse. Here we have a variable called myfac that has levels a-e that we want to collapose into new groups low (just level a), mid (levels b and c) and high (levels d and e)

mydata <- data.frame(myfac=c("a","b","c","c","d","e"))
mydata$new_myfac <- fct_collapse(mydata$myfac, 
                          low = c("a"),
                          mid = c("b","c"),
                          high = c("d","e"))
##     low mid high
##   a   1   0    0
##   b   0   1    0
##   c   0   2    0
##   d   0   0    1
##   e   0   0    1

Just make sure that original factor levels of myfac are correctly spelled in the right-hand side of the assignment expressions.

C.4.3 Converting some factor levels to NAs

Sometimes you have too many levels to handle in a factor variable. Collapsing many levels into fewer is one solution (3.1), or we can create a version of the data that ignores the levels we don’t want to analyze. One way to do this is to turn those levels in NA (missing values) that R usually ignores. We can do this in the read.csv command (see section 1.3) or we can do this in the fct_collapse command or fct_recode

Here we convert the d and e responses in myfac to missing values, while all other levels stay the same:

mydata$try1 <- fct_recode(mydata$myfac, NULL = "d", NULL = "e")
##    a    b    c NA's 
##    1    1    2    2

We can use similar syntax in the fct_collapse to both collapse levels and turn d and e into NA:

mydata$try2 <- fct_collapse(mydata$myfac, 
                          low = c("a"),
                          mid = c("b","c"),
                          NULL = c("d","e"))
##  low  mid NA's 
##    1    3    2

C.4.4 Changing the order of levels

You can reorder the levels of a factor variable. Suppose newmyfac has responses that are ordered low, mid, and high. You can rearrange the order of these levels using the forcats package is fct_relevel command:

table(mydata$new_myfac) # first check original order and exact spelling
##  low  mid high 
##    1    3    2
mydata$new_myfac2 <- fct_relevel(mydata$new_myfac, "high","mid","low")
## high  mid  low 
##    2    3    1

C.4.5 Recode a numerically coded categorical variable

Suppose you have a variable quant that is a categorical variable that was numerically coded (e.g. a 1=a, 2=b, 3=c, etc). You will need to convert this to a factor variable to analyze it correctly. Here is one way to do this:

mydata$quant <- c(1,2,3,3,4,5)
mydata$quant_fac <- fct_recode(factor(mydata$quant), 
                               "a" = "1",
                               "b" = "2",
                               "c" = "3",
                               "d" = "4",
                               "e" = "5")

C.4.6 Recode a factor into a numeric

There are times that a quantitative variable (like age) turns up as a factor after you read your data into R. This is due to at least one response in the column being a text response (non-numeric). R then defaults this column to the factor type.

Suppose you’ve identified all character (text) entries in a variable that need to be either recoded into a number or turned into an NA to be ignored. You can use the readr package’s command parse_number to convert a factor variable into a numeric variable with a “best guess” at how to do this.

For the ages variable with “over 90,” we see that parse_number strips away the “over” text and just leaves the number 90:

ages <- factor(c(20, 18, 45, 34,"over 90"))
## [1] 20      18      45      34      over 90
## Levels: 18 20 34 45 over 90
new.ages <- parse_number(as.character(ages))
## [1] 20 18 45 34 90

For this version of ages, the function pulls the numbers that occur prior to the first character (-):

ages <- factor(c(20, 18, 45, 34,"90-100"))
## [1] 20     18     45     34     90-100
## Levels: 18 20 34 45 90-100
new.ages <- parse_number(as.character(ages))
## [1] 20 18 45 34 90

Rather than 90, we may want the entry to be the midpoint between 90 and 100:

ages2 <- recode_factor(ages, '90-100' = "95")
## [1] 20 18 45 34 95
## Levels: 95 18 20 34 45
new.ages <- parse_number(as.character(ages2))
## [1] 20 18 45 34 95

Finally, if there is no numeric value in an entry then parse_number will recode it automatically into an NA and give you a warning that lets you know it did this action:

ages <- factor(c(20, 18, 45, 34,"way old"))
## [1] 20      18      45      34      way old
## Levels: 18 20 34 45 way old
new.ages <- parse_number(as.character(ages))
## [1] 20 18 45 34 NA
## attr(,"problems")
## # A tibble: 1 x 4
##     row   col expected actual 
##   <int> <int> <chr>    <chr>  
## 1     5    NA a number way old
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
##   18.00   19.50   27.00   29.25   36.75   45.00       1