Getting Started
This manual is designed to provide students in Stat 230 (Applied Regression Analysis) with supplemental notes and examples. These notes are not intended to replace notes that you take by hand or computer during class or when reading assigned material. Most examples/activities will have an .Rmd available that you can download to use as a template for completing the activity. Save these files to your class project folder.
Getting help
Try to start your homework or projects early enough to seek help from me! You can do this in a variety of ways, see Moodle for times and links to my scheduler and the Stats Lab schedule
- Drop-in office hours: Stop by office hours in CMC 307 or drop by CMC 222 (my office) anytime I’m in.
- Appointments: Via zoom or in-person (specify mode when signing up)
- Slack: I can usually clarify any homework questions and trouble shoot many code issues on Slack.
- Stats Lab: Visit the stats lab tutors in CMC 201 for help using R/Rstudio and help with general homework or report questions.